Can I ask you something personal?

  • Do you ever feel so tired you can’t even sleep?
  • Do you have acne, eczema, dry skin, or other skin issues?
  • Are you bloated all the time and can’t figure out why?
  • Do you want to lose weight but feel overwhelmed by all the nutrition advice out there?
  • Do you scroll through your phone after the kids go to bed because you don’t have the energy or brain power to do anything else?

Now, can I share something personal?

fit mom and babyWhen I had my son, I was a single, self-employed, stay-at-home mom. Sounds impossible, right!? I had recently left my career in publishing to launch my own business. I had no salary and very little support. I knew the most important thing I could do for myself and my son was to stay healthy and manage my stress. I figured out how to prioritize and simplify pretty much everything about our lives, especially what we ate. I was budgeting my money and my time, we were eating well, and as a postpartum parent, I was in the best shape of my life.

You don’t have to figure out your best postpartum diet on your own.
You don’t have to do it all!

I will pinpoint the specific nutrition, supplement, testing, and other lifestyle priorities that you should focus on to feel better. Your plan is always personalized to your unique goals and challenges.

I know how challenging this stage of life can be. I’m here to help you thrive in it too.

Book your free 15-min introductory call so we can get to know each other a bit. Tell me about yourself, so I can tell you how I can help.
Schedule your 60-min initial consultation, and we’ll dive into where you’d like to be, what’s stopping you, and what we can do about it.